About the world we lived in:
The world that we live in is flat. If you reached the end, you will fall down, and thats the end of you.
But nobody has ever reached the end ada felt down.
Eclipse Of The Sun/Moon
A huge dragon is going to swallow the moon/sun, which causes darkness. Everybody is trying to save the moon or sun. To release the sun/moon from the dragon's mouth, the people played musical instruments such as drums, gongs etc. If no musical instruments, empty tins, cooking utensils etc will do. As long as the utensils can produce sound. The louder the better. The dragon will be frightened to hear such noise and will release the sun/moon from its mouth.
About The Rainbow
Don't ever point at the rainbow. If you do so, your finger pointer will be cut off.
Hence, I don't dare to point at the rainbow.
Again about the rainbow:
Dont ever go out when tere is a rainbow. that is the time when the evil spirit roams. If you were caught by the evil spirit you will get sick.
Uninvited Creatures At Night
If any creatures (grasshoppers, beetles, moths etc) pop in to your house at night, please don't kill them. They may be evil spirit who appeared in the form of these creatures. If you kill them, you will be in great touble.
Meal Time
For male, do not move around while having your meal. You will have many wives.
About Pillow
Do not sit down on a pllow. You will suffer from boil on your buttock.
Young Girls
Do not sing while cooking at the kitchen. You will marry an old man.